Back to school season can be a stressful time, especially when it comes to your wallet. Before you panic about draining your bank account or start seeking out same day loans or online loans to make sure your child has everything they need for a successful year, take a breather. These back to school tips will help make sure you are on the right track for saving money when shopping for supplies.
Start Back-to-School Shopping Early
Don’t wait until the last minute to start shopping for supplies. Many large corporations, like Staples, Wal-Mart, and Target, put out their back to school supplies in the middle of the summer. This will allow you to be able to budget more effectively, purchasing a little bit here and there until you have all you need for your children.
Teachers generally send out an email at the end of the school year so parents will have enough time to shop. However, sometimes you can find the school supplies list of what your child will need for the upcoming year on your school’s website or through the principal. Make sure to look for early-bird deals and sales!
Look Through Your Own Personal Supply of Left-Over School Supplies
When we are at the store, it is easy to streamline exactly what we need without giving a second thought to what we might already have at home. Chances are, you have many items on your child’s list just laying around at home or from their last year’s supply. Go through all your office drawers, the drawer nobody opens, your craft closets, and storage boxes to see if you can check off some of the items on your school supplies list without even having to leave your house.
Embrace Second Hand Stores
Secondhand shopping is one of the best back-to-school tips for saving money, especially if you have to shop for multiple children. Instead of purchasing brand new school supplies, you might be able to stock up at a fraction of the price. Of course, this will depend on where you choose to shop.
You could pop into a thrift store, check out the local resale shop, or even do a neighborhood supplies swap. Keep in mind that secondhand shops might not have exactly what is listed on your child’s supplies list, but that teachers are usually lenient. But, you should always send an email to ensure that a substitution will be okay for the school year.
Scope Out Garage Sales for New-to-Your-Child School Supplies
Townwide garage sales generally happen in the warmer months, which means that they are perfect to stop at to knock some items off of your school supplies list. In order to make the best use of your time when hunting at garage sales, look through your local paper or check out some social media boards to see when areas close to you are having their sales.
If there are pictures included, click through them and take note if it looks like there are any office supplies available. Garage sales generally have cheaper prices than thrift stores. Keep in mind that you can benefit from even more savings by showing up to a sale on the last day, as the person running the sale may offer you cheaper or bulk prices so they won’t have to deal with the items later.
Head to The Dollar Store
When you are looking for back-to-school tips for saving a few extra bucks, there is no better stop than a dollar store. Depending on where you are located, you may have a few different options. Some common stores that offer budget-friendly back-to-school supplies options include Dollar General, Dollar Tree, and Five Below. Items can range in price, depending on the store, but are generally more affordable than if you were to shop at a big-box store.
Apply For a Spotloan for Quick Money
These back-to-school tips can help you prepare for budgeting, but sometimes the expenses of the back-to-school season can sneak up on you. If you are having trouble determining where you will get the money for the upcoming school season, Spotloan has your answer. With a quick online application process, you can get the money you need once you are approved. Spotloan is not a payday loan. It is a smarter way to borrow. Get started on your online application today!