Spring Cleaning? Don’t Throw It Out – See What It’s Worth First!

cardboard box marked "yard sale" has miscellaneous items spilling out of it, including an old clock and old pots and pans
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The start of spring always brings about feelings of a fresh start. With the sun shining, windows open, and an entire summer of warmer weather and longer days to look forward to, most of us start to breathe a bit easier. 

And after we’ve put some space between us and the holidays and getting our tax returns filed, the next task on our minds is often spring cleaning. Rather than gathering up everything you don’t use and tossing it or bringing it to the closest thrift shop, we recommend a more mindful tackling of your unwanted items. 

One way you can be more mindful during spring cleaning is to have old items appraised, or search different sites and apps for up-to-date values to work from. This way, you’ll have a more accurate idea of where to start, rather than guessing or pricing it out according to emotional value. Here are some other things to keep in mind while you spring clean this year.

When is Spring Cleaning? 

Like many other organizational tasks, spring cleaning can happen whenever you’re ready to tackle it. But most people start in late March and continue into April. The best strategy for spring cleaning is to set aside a full day or two. 

This will give you the time you need to go through each room in the house and get it all done at once, rather than spreading it out across weeks. If you have an open weekend or long weekend coming up, that would be a good opportunity. 

Selling Used Clothes for Money 

Most people replace their wardrobes every year or two, so now would be a good time to go through your closets and see what you haven’t worn recently. If a sweater, dress, pair of pants, or another item hasn’t left its hanger or drawer in a year or more, it likely won’t again. 

Items that are still in good condition that you won’t likely wear again can find a good home elsewhere and earn you some extra cash in the process. For name-brand items in good condition, try selling them on Poshmark. 

For off-brand clothes, request a closet clean-out bag from ThredUp. Items in the bag that don’t sell in their 60-day window after posting will be reused or recycled, so you’ll either make money off of your old clothes or you’ll do some good while cleaning out your closets.  

Selling or Recycling Electronics for Money 

As we mentioned earlier, try to do some research before selling or recycling your old electronics and other potentially valuable items. And when you do, be sure to make your search as specific as possible to narrow down your results and make them more accurate. 

Searching for your old phone or TV’s make and model number instead of starting with a more general search will likely save you time by bringing you to the correct answer more quickly. For example, searching for the current value of a Samsung SH401 instead of a Samsung 40-inch TV will likely give you a more accurate idea of your item’s value. Most TVs have a tag on the back that provides the model number, serial number, and useful information for your search

From there, you can sell still-working electronics on eBay, Craigslist, or through a tech website like Gazelle. If they no longer work, you can recycle your old electronics for parts through websites like GreenBuyback or EcoATM.

These sites accept electronics in any condition, paying cash to keep them out of landfills.  

Selling Jewelry, Antiques, and Other Items of Value 

If you have more valuable items you’d like to sell, spend some extra time on them. Don’t just guess at what they’re worth. Take your valuable items to your local jewelry store or pawnshop to have them appraised. 

If you guess rather than putting in the work, you might end up shorting yourself. And it’s hard to calculate how much that shortcut could cost. Forbes estimates that there is about $1 trillion dollars worth of diamonds collecting dust in storage. 

Organizing a Neighborhood Tag Sale

Still have boxes of items leftover after selling your unused clothes and electronics? If you live in a close-knit community, ask a few neighbors if they’d be interested in co-hosting a yard sale. A bigger yard sale, also commonly referred to as a tag sale, will draw more attention and give everyone the chance to turn their spring cleaning throwaway items into extra cash. 

Tag sales are great for their versatility. You can break out everything from old sports gear to sleds, kitchenware to kettlebells, and books to baby blankets. 

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