Podcasts are an incredible medium for entertainment, education, and absorbing new information no matter where you are or whatever else you’re doing. With seemingly endless podcasts covering every topic imaginable, that means that of course there are plenty that claim to be podcasts to help you with money. But in 2022, which are podcasts that help you reach your personal finance goals? Here are 10 personal finance podcasts that are established and beloved by their listener base:
Planet Money
While it isn’t so much about penny-pinching tips and investment advice, NPR’s long-running radio segment-turned-podcast Planet Money is a well-researched, entertaining, and informative way to learn more about the economy at large and how money makes the world go ‘round.
Personal finance advice isn’t always useful unless you have the context to know why it matters, and Planet Money is one of the most approachable podcasts for giving you the broader economic background you need to really start thinking about your bank accounts.
So Money with Farnoosh Torabi
So Money helps you learn from the best, with three episodes a week focusing on interviews with financial professionals, business leaders, comedians, and anybody with something smart (or funny!) to say about money and personal finances.
And of course, host Farnoosh Torabi isn’t just a great interviewer – as Editor at Large of CNET Money, her expertise gives insightful and useful financial advice while answering real listener questions in her popular “Ask Farnoosh” episodes.
Afford Anything
Hosted by Paula Pant and doing everything from chronicling financial success stories, to answering questions on everything from long-distance investing to choosing the right accountant, to bringing on guest speakers to give their own financial advice, Afford Anything covers a lot of bases.
But with these wide-ranging topics, you’re sure to find something to learn about managing your money, especially with the end goal of being able to do as the title says: become financially stable enough to afford what you want to afford.
Money for the Rest of Us
Putting out new episodes for nearly a decade now, Money for the Rest of Us is a podcast aimed at helping regular, ordinary people approach the stock market in a way that can help them save for retirement and craft strategies that align with their personal finance goals.
Host David Stein is a former investment researcher with experience managing billions in the market, and uses his long-running platform to help support those who can’t afford (or choose not) to work with fancy investment firms and instead manage their investments on their own.
How to Money
Joel and Matt are two guys who know that most people don’t actually care about being rich; they just want enough money to live a happy, stable life. They also know that with more and more people making less-than-effective decisions with their money, it’s clear that financial literacy in the United States simply isn’t where it needs to be.
In How to Money, these two close friends sit down over a beer and walk listeners through the education, money habits, and practical advice that aren’t necessarily meant to make you a millionaire, but will help you live the life you want to live.
The Dave Ramsey Show
Are you one of the countless people struggling to overcome your debts? If so, The Dave Ramsey Show might be your best friend. Financial expert and radio host Dave Ramsey is the same one who brought you the 50/20/30 budgeting system to help you through your financial needs, wants, and investments. His podcast guides listeners through their money problems with straight-to-the-point, no-sugar-coating advice meant to help regular people get out of debt.
It’s not just tough love, either: Ramsey’s actionable financial plans (such as his famous “Debt Snowball Strategy”) have been proven to effectively tackle real financial struggles and improve the lives of real people.
Brown Ambition
Started by journalist Mandi Woodruff and blogger Tiffani “The Budgetnista” Aliche, Brown Ambition is a podcast built to help women of color learn how to make all the right moves and take control of their personal financial journeys.
With deep discussions into topics like budgeting and wealth building, as well as plenty of time to explore the personal journeys that make each of us so unique, Brown Ambition is a must-listen for anybody who’s ever felt shut out of the financial world.
Clever Girls Know
Clever Girl Finance is a financial education platform created specifically to help women navigate the traditionally male-focused world of finance and money with free resources like articles, classes, and even individual mentoring programs.
Founder Bola Sokunbi also hosts Clever Girls Know, the podcast that centers the stories of real women as they share the stories of their always unique, always eye-opening personal financial journeys so that you can glean important lessons and feel less alone managing money.
“Financial Independence” may sound like a vague notion of personal success, but it’s a very real, concrete concept: the point at which you earn enough passive income or build enough wealth to live your life without needing to be tied to a job.
Brad Barrett and Jonathan Mendonsa have built ChooseFI into the largest Financial Independence community on the web, and their ChooseFI podcast aims to provide you with practical advice, inspirational stories, and motivation for your own journey towards Financial Independence.
Smart Passive Income
If you’ve ever been curious about making money outside of your regular 9-to-5 job, Smart Passive Income is the podcast for you. Hosted by entrepreneur and influencer Pat Flynn, Smart Passive Income is a biweekly exploration into all the ways you can make money online.
Whether you’re looking to start an online business, grow and expand an existing one, or you just want to hear stories from the entrepreneurs who’ve walked the path ahead of you, listening to Pat Flynn’s 13-years-running podcast is one of the best ways to help build your side hustle.
Spotloan: A Smarter Way to Borrow
Financial education can look different for everyone. For some people, they need a “just the facts” approach giving practical information and advice for financial management. For others, they may be motivated by real stories of people struggling just like themselves who went on to succeed in their financial goals. Some like hearing from authoritative voices, while others prefer a welcoming and approachable demeanor.
No matter who you are, we hope you can find a personal finance podcast on this list to help you on your path to financial health and stability. At Spotloan, our mission is not only to provide loan options for people in any financial situation, but also to provide the education and resources to help you navigate difficult personal finance struggles. Simply complete our loan application online or take advantage of our financial education resources and get your money in order.